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PCOD(Polycystic Ovarian Disease)/Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
Aartava-kshaya, which can be correlated with PCOS has been described as deficiency or loss of artava, artava dose not appears in time or is delayed, is scanty and dose not last for three days. Pain in vagina also can be seen. According to Ayurveda, Aartava-kshaya is a disorder involving Pitta and Kapha doshas, Medas, Ambu/Rasa, Shukra/Artava Dhatu and Rasa, Rakta, Artava Vaha Srotas. Therefore Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome can also be described with same involvement of Dosha, Dhatu and Upadhatu

a) Kapha predominance manifests as
1) Increased weight,
2) Subfertility,
3) Hirsutium,
4) Diabetic tendencies and
5) Coldness.

b) Pitta predominance manifests as
1) Hair loss,
2) Acne,
3) Painful menses,
4) Clots and
5) Heart problems.

c) Vata predominance manifests with
1)painful menses, scanty or less menstrual blood and
2)severe menstrual irregularity.
The pathology is an obstruction in the pelvic cavity (Apana Kshetra) causing disorders in the flow of Vata. This in turn leads to an accumulation of Kapha and Pitta.

At Pranav Ayurveda Chikitsalaya our aim is to provide best treatment to resolve polycystic ovaries conditions with help of specialized Ayurveda treatments.
Ayurveda diets for PCOS focus on developing healthy Aartava (Female reproductive tissue-one of the dhatu).
fresh food and Vegetable
fresh fruits such as peaches, pears, plums as well as dried fruits such as dates, figs and raisins avoid spicy food, fermented food,
Intake of butter milk, to improve the Agni ( Digestive fire).
Intake porridge prepared from Ragi extract (nachini, Eleusine coracana).
Prefer crystal sugar (Khadisakhar, Mishri) for taste instead of normal sugar. Weight watchers can prefer sugar substitutes however crystal sugar is very safe.

The treatment principle is
1) to clear obstruction in the pelvis,
2) normalize metabolism and
3) regulate the menstrual system (Aartava Dhatu).
4) Kapha reducing,
5) insulin enhancing and
6) hormone rebalancing.