Dr. Priti Mangesh Deshmukh
Pranav Ayurveda Panchkarma Clinic
Immunity Booster - An Ayurveda Approach
- # Need of the hour
- # Immunity as per Ayurveda
- # Chyavanprash
- # Gargling
- # Herbal Tea/Decoction details as per AYUSH guidelines
- # Golden milk
- # Jalneti
- # Nasya
- # Meditation
- # Yoga,Exercise
- # Mindful Eating
- # Sipping
- # Sleeping
This will surely help every individual to improve immunity and deal with various infectious diseases.

Honey is a wonder medicine whose uses have been discovered and rediscovered since ages. It’s a substance that bring about incredible results even when consumed in its pristine form. The miraculous properties of honey hail from its composition. It contains more than 200 substances including
- Amino Acids
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Enzymes
- Sugars and a lot of more
Ayurveda is now undergoing diverse experiments worldwide to be used in modern medicine.
The following are a few among the countless benefits of honey to mankind.

1. Instant Energy
Honey contains different kinds of sugar molecules especially glucose and fructose. According to Ayurveda text Kashyap Samhita honey is said to be the first and foremost food given immediately after birth to the baby for 3 days along with Suvarna bhasma (Suvarnaprashan). The sugars in honey glucose and fructose are responsible for releasing energy, glucose is very easily absorbed by the body compared to fructose, but both give instant energy to the body. The energy released boosts endurance and reduces muscle fatigue, these qualities of honey make it a perfect component of diet for athletes and people engaging in physical exercise.

2. Boosts Immunity
Its antioxidant and anti bacterial properties help the body fight many disease including fatal ones like cancer and heart disorders. The concentiation of antioxidants varies with the floral sources of honey.
For example : Darker honey most often has more antioxidants than lighter honey. Its also cleanses and builds up your digestive system giving your optimal health.
Honey is also used as a natural antiseptic and hence treats wounds and ulcers. We at Pranav Ayurveda use honey as major ingredient in Suvarnaprashan which helps to boost immunity as mentioned above.

3. Enhances Complexion
Honey has a hygroscopic nature, meaning it is capable of absorbing moisture from air and thus when applied on the skin keeps hydrated.
Honey is also a natural cleanses that exfoliates skin to bring out radiance and glow.
Its antioxidants properties prevent the skin cells from damage and also supplies nutrients to skin cells from damage and also supplies nutrients to the skin promoting the growth of new tissue. In short honey protects your skin and keep its rejuvenated always.
Due to these properties of honey in Suvarnaprashan is said to enhance skin lustre and complexion.

4. A Safe Sweetener
Honey is the most widely used natural sweetener as mentioned before contains different kinds of sugars making it a sweetener far safer than white sugar to consume. Prevention should be taken though as a tablespoon of honey contains about 63 calories. Honey also contains dextrin a starchy fibre which aids in balancing blood sugar levels.
Tulsi leave 4-5 crushed, cinnamon powder ¼ spoon boil in 2 cups of water, reduce it to 1 cup and add 1 teaspoon of honey. This would be the healthiest tea to start your day.

5. Helps to Lose Weight
Though honey is rich in calories, it also contains 22 amino acids, good amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals their presence makes honey get metabolized better. Generally accumulated fat results in bulkiness and over weight, honey is said to have the ability to mobilize the fat stored in the body. Consumption of honey with warm water and lime is recommended to burn this stored fat to provide energy used for your daily activities. This way a regular course of honey would help to reduce weight on top of that honey has been proven to increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body and reduce cardiovascular strain leading to a healthy life.

6. Improves Sleep
Every organ in human body follows a cycle to regain the damages. Liver mends itself during 01 AM to 03 AM for which it requires high amount of glycogen. Though liver stores glycogen for the night, it would have been used up by the time liver comes into action resulting in a search for the fuel and thus insomnia. Consuming raw honey before sleep ensures an additional supply of glycogen to the liver, smoothening its functions and hence a sound sleep.
Above information related to honey is given in a generalized format. Kindly consult your doctor before consuming honey on regular basis. Visit Ayurveda Physician for guidance regarding honey intake according to your prakriti (Constitution).